MARI- Mandala Assessment Research Instrument

MARI readings with Shelley may be scheduled by calling (919) 821- 4222 (until mid May) and (716) 595-3154 during Lily Dale season. Readings take place at Angel House. See below for information on MARI.

Getting a MARI reading is like getting an intuitive reading in that the information is coming from the "other than conscious." With MARI, however, the origin of the "other than conscious" is not the medium or the other side, but YOU. A MARI reading will always be only about you. Your higher self is connected to the  wisdom that exists in the greater collective conscious. 

Research reveals that the unconscious "knows" before we "know" consciously. This connection of knowing ( as shown on MARI) reveals an authentic picture of your present self. Not only does MARI reveal your strengths and issues, it provides an opportunity to address any present issues. Further, because every stage of MARI is informed by a connection to your own understanding of "that which is greater than you," your spiritual connections and dimensions may also be revealed.

What is MARI?

A creative assessment tool based on colors and symbols

Provides a visual picture of your psyche - both conscious and unconscious

Measures all four aspects of consciousness: Thinking, Feeling, Sensing and Intuiting

The only assessment that reflects the evolutionary perspective

What is the MARI (Mandala Assessment Research Instrument)?

  • Accurate Jungian psychological assessment based on symbols and colors
  • Reveals a literal picture of the psyche –that includes areas of tension and attention
  • Whole-brained instrument based in wholeness that reveals the inner truth of a person

Why MARI works

  • We respond intuitively to symbols and colors –so a subject’s choice of symbol and color reflects what is going in their life
  • You literally see your psychic contents –and once you see it, you can change it
  • The subject provides their own intuitive guidance

MARI provides 

  • enjoyable, non-threatening experience where client has full autonomy
  • allows client to access their own intuitive guidance
  • reveals strengths insight and awareness –visually

MARI is not

  • A reading from spiritual world
  • The same as a reading from a Lily Dale Medium
  • A connection to spirit/ dead

MARI Reading is

  • $80 per session
  • with Shelley Takei, MARI Owner, Teacher, Practitioner
  • done in MARI reading room, 1st floor of Angel House
  • 45 minutes to 60 minutes per session
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